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Being Followed

Driving home from being with Tara at Fred's, I notice a vehicle has been behind me since I left the carpark. It's unnerving because it's really close to my car. So close I'm scared to step on the brakes incase we hit each other. I move into the lefthand lane thinking it's some impatient hoon forcing me to move, but the car changes lanes with me. Squinting, I raise my hand to block out the bright car lights. Spots stay in my vision long after I look away.

I turn off into an unfamiliar street, hoping the car goes the other way. But it follows me. This time going faster than before. My heart's rhythm picks up slightly. I'm starting to freak out: who the hell is this person and what do they want?

Zig zagging in and out of streets. too scared to pull over, I finally enter my own street. I pound my car into our drive way, quickly turning off the ignition, grabbing for my bag and making a run for it to my front door. The car following me revs loudly outside of my house, wheels spinning, almost smoking. I see the black, chipped, painted exterior, but I can't see the driver inside. The car does a massive burn out in our street before speeding away. I shut my front door tight and bolt it behind me.

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